Differences Between Percocet and Oxycodone

Differences Between Percocet and Oxycodone

If you have experienced chronic pain or invasive surgery, your doctor likely prescribed a potent opioid. Many patients may receive drugs like Percocet or oxycodone post-surgery, when dealing when a painful illness like cancer, or even after an intense dental session. These prescription drugs have now become so commonplace that the United States is currently…

How Dangerous is Combining Percocet and Xanax?

How Dangerous is Combining Percocet and Xanax?

Combining multiple substances always increases risk. Combining uppers with other uppers has risks that vary from combining downers with downers. There are other risks and side effects associated with mixing uppers with downers. In the case of combining drugs like Percocet (oxycodone) and Xanax (alprazolam), a person is abusing a prescription opiate (Percocet) and a…