How Much Wine is Too Much?

How Much Wine is Too Much?

Wine is known to have health benefits. You may have heard that a glass a day is a good idea and can even promote longevity. Keeping that in mind, there’s a clear line between having an occasional drink and alcohol use disorder (AUD). There is an ongoing debate about whether or not it’s reasonable for…

Get Your Fix of Dopamine: How to Increase Dopamine Naturally

Get Your Fix of Dopamine: How to Increase Dopamine Naturally

Motivate, elevate, concentrate: these are all superpowers effectively influenced by the power of Dopamine. Obviously, they are not superpowers, but they certainly may seem like it to those who have found themselves lacking in these qualities and have turned to drugs for a boost. And a boost is an understatement for the effect of drugs…

5 Ways to Prevent an Alcohol Relapse

5 Ways to Prevent an Alcohol Relapse

Recovery from alcoholism or any other addiction is never over. It takes constant and consistent effort and support to avoid a relapse of any kind, especially an alcohol relapse. Fortunately, there are five proven ways individuals with alcohol use disorder can prevent alcohol relapse in everyday life.  Alcoholism and Relapse  According to the 2019 National…

5 Ways to Prevent a Meth Relapse

5 Ways to Prevent a Meth Relapse

Especially in the first year after receiving treatment, there is a high rate of meth relapse. Those who have recently ceased using meth need to be aware of the high potential for relapse. Methamphetamine and related stimulants are highly addictive and it’s difficult to permanently break the cycle of abuse. A combination of post-treatment follow-ups…

Is Detox Necessary When Treating an Alcohol Addiction?

Is Detox Necessary When Treating an Alcohol Addiction?

Each year, more than 1.5 million people in the U.S. enter a detox treatment program or admit themselves into a hospital due to medical issues experienced by alcoholism. Going through detox to rid your body of this poisonous substance is definitely the right thing to do. Alcohol has a strong effect on the central nervous…