SACOT Client Survey SACOT Questionaire Name First Last How did you hear about Oasis? Facebook/Instagram Google Advertisements Bing Friend or Family Organically Psychology Today Other How would you rate the quality of care during your stay at Oasis? Very Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Unsatisfied Extremely Satisfied How satisfied are you with the staff members & the care you received while at Oasis? Very satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Unsatisfied Extremely Unsatisfied If you were to seek help again for yourself or a friend, would you recommend Oasis? Absolutely Yes Maybe No Absolutely Not Did the information provided by our program give you a better understanding of the disease of addiction? Yes No On a scale from 1-5, how would you rate the comfortability & cleanliness of our facilities at Oasis? Very Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Unsatisfied Extremely Unsatisfied Overall, how satisfied were you with our IOP program and the information provided during treatment? Very Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Unsatisfied Extremely Unsatisfied Overall, did you receive the help that you needed at Oasis? Yes no How satisfied were you with the group therapy sessions at Oasis? Very Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Unsatisfied Extremely Unsatisfied How satisfied were you with the individual therapy sessions at Oasis? Very Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Unsatisfied Extremely Unsatisfied In your own words, describe your experience at Oasis Recovery.Name Δ