inpatient addiction treatment

Do Rehabs Have a Good Success Rate?

Many people, either those who are affected by drug or alcohol abuse themselves or those who have loved ones that are, often question the success rate of rehabilitation centers. The fact of the matter is, rehab success rate is important, and this rate varies between the type of program, facility, and more. 

There are many factors that go into determining whether or not rehab will be successful for an individual person, including:

  • How frequently they use drugs
  • How long they’ve had an addiction 
  • What types of drugs they use 
  • What type of lifestyle they lead

To put it simply, one type of rehab isn’t going to be successful for everyone. People are different and so are their drug addictions. While inpatient rehab may work for some, outpatient may work better for others. However, attending some type of rehabilitation center or program will almost always be more beneficial than attempting to obtain sobriety without outside help. 

Do Different Types of Rehabs Have Different Success Rates?

Determining which type of rehab is most successful is nearly impossible, as there are many different types of people and rehabilitation is not one size fits all. While inpatient treatment centers are more successful at short-term sobriety (because patients don’t have access to drugs at all throughout the course of their stay) it’s harder to determine whether or not inpatient centers are more successful in the long run over outpatient programs. 

There are two general types of rehabilitation programs, inpatient and outpatient. During an inpatient treatment program, individuals live in a rehabilitation center and engage in therapy and other activities throughout their stay. They have no access to drugs or alcohol during this time. 

Outpatient treatment centers, however, allow patients to come and go as they please. These sessions usually occur in the morning or at night to allow patients to continue their lives. While they offer the same type of treatment, they allow their patients to roam freely for approximately half of their time, meaning they have access to drugs and alcohol whenever they’re not physically in the rehabilitation center. 

In determining rehab success rate, you have to look more at long-term sobriety and addict success instead of upfront short-term success rates. This is because sobriety and recovery is a lifelong journey. And while many would consider relapse to be a failure, it’s instead an indication that treatment must be changed or restarted. 

To answer the question, do rehabs have good success rates: yes, they do. Rehabs set up individuals with the tools they need to get and stay sober. Without rehab, they wouldn’t have access to these tools and may be more likely to relapse. 

Is Rehab Right for You? 

If you’re thinking about attending rehab for your alcohol or drug addiction, you may be weighing your options, trying to determine which program is right for you. Rehab is the most successful when patients are willing to fully give themselves over, fully putting in the effort needed to succeed. If you’re ready to do that, rehab is a great option. They say that the first step is admitting you have a problem. The second step is being willing to accept outside help. Once you’re ready to do that, rehab can really help. 

Finding the Right Rehab Program 

Now that you’ve decided that rehab is the right option for you, you should speak to a care coordinator to determine which program is the best option for your addiction and your schedule. We pride ourselves in having a high rehab success rate, and we’re ready to help you succeed, too. Oasis Recovery is a rehab center in North Carolina that offers various treatment programs and aftercare services. Call today to speak with a representative about your options.

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